To Create a Category, you must log in to your back office URL. Once logged in, click on Products
and Categories
from the left menu.

Click on Create
to create a new category.

Fill out the Name and pick a color for this category. The picked color will be the color of the button on the Point of Sale app on the tablet.

Name of the Category.
Upload Category Image:
File uploaded will be shown on the button of this category in the pos.
Stay on Category Page:
can be used to toggle between yes and no to stay on the page.
Hide Category from POS:
If enabled hides the category from the Point of Sale.
Show in Online Ordering:
If enabled, this category will showup in Online Ordering Portal.
Category Sort:
Must be a number. It allows you to manage the display order of categories on the point of sale. Lower numbered categories will show up first.
Show in Online Ordering:
If enabled, this category will showup in Online Ordering Portal.
Choose Background Color:
Select the color of the button.
Choose Text Color:
Select the color of the text on the button.
Upload Category Image:
This can be used to upload an image for the category. Click on Submit
button to create the category.
You will only see this category in pos after attaching it to at least one product and syncing the terminal.