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How to use a Credit Account

Learn about ways to use Credit Accounts, including balance addition and invoice generation

credit accounts can be used In order to make payments or generate invoices for a customer. However, to use a credit account during a transaction, it must be created from the back office first. There are two ways to use a credit account: it can either be preloaded with a specific amount or it can be credited by generating an invoice. If you choose to preload the account, make sure to load it with the necessary amount prior to checkout.

To debit a certain amount to the account, go to Menu on the POS tablet.

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Once in Menu, go to Add Credit.

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Once on the Add Credit Page, Click/search for the customer that is to be credited.

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Type/select the amount that is to be credited to the customer and click Card to load up the account.

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To pay using the Credit account, once the order is made and are on the pay page, click on Credit Account. Click Yes on the next page.

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Click/search for the customer that is to be debited for the transaction.

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Select out of the two options, 1) use the preloaded credit balance or 2) generate an invoice for the order that is to be paid later. Once selected, the order will be completed and the account balance will be emailed.

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