To issue a non-order refund, Click on Menu
from the POS tablet.
Once in Menu, click on Refund
To start the refund process.
Then choose if the refund is associated with an order or without, In this case, we want to choose Refund Without Order Ref
Once on the Refund page, there are two ways to give out the Refund.1) To give a refund on a certain amount that is preselected by default.2) Refund can be issued by product.
Fill in the required details for issuing a refund by an amount according to the Fields information below. Click on Submit
to issue the Refund
Enter a Refund Amount*:
Type in the amount that is to be refunded to the customer
Enter a Refund Tax*:
Type in the tax amount if any was collected.
Payment Via*:
Select the mode of paying back the customer, in cash or card form.
Select a Reason*:
Select the reason for issuing the Refund.
”= Required The other way of issuing a refund is by item. This way you can issue a refund directly by adding an item. To issue a refund by Item click on Item Refund
in the Refund without order Menu. Fill in the required details according to the Fields information given below and press Submit
to issue the Refund.
Add Item for Refund*:
This lets you add items to the Refund, you can search for the Refunded item once you click the button.
Payment Via*:
Select the mode of paying back the customer, in cash or card form.
Select a Reason*:
Select the reason for issuing the Refund.
”= Required