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Creating Modifiers Sets

Creating Modifiers to be used in Product Creation


Modifier Sets are add-ons or level sets that provide multiple options for the same product but in different variations. This tool is very helpful for restaurant owners as there are multiple dishes that need customizations to order, such as a pizza or a build-your-own sandwich.

Modifier Sets can also be helpful in pricing add-ons, such as adding an extra shot of espresso to a Mocha Frappuccino.


Log into the Octopos BackOffice by entering your email and password.

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Login Fields : Email*: Insert your email address in this Field. Password*: Insert your Password here. * = Required

Click on Produts followed by Modifier Sets

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Click on Create .

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Fill the Fields with relevant data using the information given below. Once filled click Next.

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Modifier Set Fields: Name*: Enter the Required name for the Modifier set, such as Toppings in a pizzeria. Only One: This limits the Modifier to being used Once per item, this is relevant for products with Yes or No cases. * = Required

On the following page, Fill in Required Fields relating to the Modifier Using the information Given below. Click on Add Modifier. Once all the required Modifiers are added, click Next .

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Modifiers Fields Name*: Name the Modifier relevant to the Set. In this example, pepperoni is a good topping for pizza. Price: Type in the price for the following Modifier, if applicable. * = Required

Once all the desired Modifiers are added, review them on the next page and click Sumbit to Add the Modifier Set.

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