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Importing Product

Step-by-step guide to importing products into Octopos.


You can import a product from a pre-made Excel sheet or other formats of sheets such as CSV.


Log into the back office by logging onto Octoretail.

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Login Fields : Email*: Insert your email address in this Field. Password*: Insert your Password here. * = Required

Open the Products menu by clicking on Products followed by-products.

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Click on Import\Export button

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Once the Import\Export menu is open, Choose the location where the products are to be added from. Attach the excel sheet to add the products that are added to the Excel sheet.

Note:- There is a sample Excel sheet available to be used as a template. Can be downloaded from the same page by clicking click here on the instructions.

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Once the file is opened, you should be able to add the Products to the system by clicking Submit. If there is no Submit button, then it means there was an error in inputting the product values in the Excel Sheet. All of the errors should be mentioned at the end in Error Colum which you can refer to make the necessary adjustments.

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