Gift Cards can be sold from the POS tablet at the cashier checkout. The Gift Cards can be sold in 3 forms. 1) Physical Gift Card 2) E-Gift Card, which can be sent via Email or SMS 3) Gift Card on the printed receipt.
To sell a Gift Card, go to Order Options
followed by Sell Gift Card.

Once on the Sell Gift Card
Page, enter the amount that you want to deposit on the card.

Select one of the three different means of gift cards, Physical, E-Gift cards, and printed one.

For Paper Gift Cards, Click Submit
and a Gift card for the amount should be printed. When selecting the Physical Card, Fill in the card number via scanning or manual entry. Once filled click submit

For E-Gift Cards, Fill in the Email Address or the Phone Number. You can also print a copy of the gift card by clicking “Yes
” on “Would you Like to Print this Gift Card
”. Click Sumbit
once done.

Once the desired Gift Card is added to the card, continue with making the sale. The Gift Card should be ready to use as soon as the payment is made.