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Customer Display Screen

Solutions for Customer Display Troubles.

Check the WIFI settings to make sure that the CDS tablet is connected to the same WIFI as the POS Tablet.

Open the tablet homepage on the CDS tablet (by taping the square icon on the bottom right of the screen) and open the settings APP.

Notion image


Once settings is open and check the WIFI connection.

Notion image

Follow the same process above for the POS tablet.

Both devices should be connected to the same WIFI.

Please check the IP address of the CDS.

Check the IP address of the Octopos Customer Display Screen (CDS) by opening the OctoCDS APP and clicking the blue target logo rapidly (6 to 8 times).

Notion image


Check the IP address on the settings menu that just opened up(make a note of the address), then click submit.

Notion image

Open the menu on your POS tablet.

Notion image

Open the update settings menu from the selection.

Notion image

Scroll down to the Customer Display and make sure that the entered IP address is the same as the CDS IP address checked in the previous step and click on submit.

Notion image
Customer Display Field: CDS IP: The IP address here should be the same as the CDS IP address checked in the upper steps.


To resolve the issue, restart both your POS and CDS tablet. First, turn on the OctoCDS app on the CDS tablet. Then, start the POS and log in. Please note that this process will not work if the POS was kept on while restarting the CDS or if the POS was started before the CDS.

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