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Creating a Vendor

Guide on Making Vendors.

Creating vendors is an essential feature for ensuring a smooth and clear ordering process. Additionally, having detailed vendor information can help us make informed decisions about which products to stock, and can aid in negotiating contracts with suppliers.

By streamlining our vendor management process, we can ensure that our procurement operations are running at peak efficiency and that our customers are receiving the best possible service.


To create a vendor Open the Vendors menu, click Purchasing, followed by Vendors.

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In the Vendors Menu, click on Create.

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Please fill out the required fields by providing the necessary details.

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Vendor Details Fields Name*: The name field requires the name of the Vendor, for example, Micheals or Kole Imports. Email Address*: This Field requires the email address of the Vendor. Address: Address stands for the physical address of the vendor itself. Contact Person: Enter the name of the contact person from the Vendors Company, if it's a small-scale vendor, write the name of the person/company itself. Country: Select the country for the Vendor. Useful for companies dealing in Cross country trades. State: Select the state of operation for the Vendor. City: Select the city for the Vendor. Phone Number: Enter the Phone Number for the Vendor. *= Required

Once all the Required Fields are filled, click Submit and your Vendor should be added to the list.

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