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SMS & Email Plans

Guide on setting up your SMS Plans and Usage.


Octopos SMS Billing provides customers with their choice of SMS plan that suits their needs the best for a cost-effective price. Octopos uses SMS for delivering receipts as well as your marketing coupons and mail. We offer a variety of different Ranges of SMS plans which goes from 49$ to 1500$ You can choose from various SMS plans in the Billing section of your Octopos account. To access it, click on the avatar icon in the top right corner of the back office and select Billing.

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Once on the Billing Page, click on Select SMS Plan from the page.

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Choose the optimal plan that suits your needs. Opt for the small package to track your SMS usage. In case you exhaust your SMS quota, you will still be able to communicate by paying 3 cents per message. You can always change the PLan when you feel so. Click Submit to finalize your plan.

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